The NBS Archives are open to the public at the following times:
Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday
9 a.m. to 12 noon /
12:45 p.m. to 3 p.m.
In July, August and September the Archives are closed to the public.
The Archives will be closed on 26 and 27 March 2025.
Michalovská obchodná a úverná banka, Michalovce
Michalovská obchodná a úverná banka, účastinná spoločnosť (Michalovce Commercial and Credit Bank, joint-stock company), was founded in Michalovce in 1894 under the Hungarian name Nagymihályi kereskedelmi és hitelbank, r. t. The company was authorised to carry out all banking transactions permitted by law, to intermediate loans, to sell and buy real estate, to recover various debts and provide safekeeping services.
The bank’s business performance was initially good. In 1907 it had a net profit of 84,000 Austro-Hungarian crowns (K), deposits of about K 2 million and loans of the same amount. Between 1913 and 1915 it had a net profit of K 100,000, deposits of K 2.8 million and loans of K 4 million. The share capital of the joint-stock company amounted to K 400,000 represented by 2,000 shares with a nominal value of K 200. The business year 1922 brought a net profit of 113,000 Czechoslovak crowns (Kč), savings book deposits reached Kč 15 million and loans were also Kč 15 million.
The members of the board of directors and supervisory board included Mark Widder, Mór Brünn, Mór Brügler, Andor Barnai, Ignác Rosenberg, Gabriel Strömpl, Zoltán Földes, Ignác Fudos, Jozef Kállai, Vojtech Kakusz, Gejza Toperczer, Alexander Löfler, Jonás Engel and Menyhért Widder. The chief accountant was Róbert Eugen and the treasurer was Ľudevít Leuchtman. In 1911 the bank had a new building erected in Michalovce on what was then Deák Square.
It remained in business until 1926 when it was placed in liquidation and its building was sold.
Preserved archival material on the bank was stored in the corporate archive of Štátna banka československá in Bratislava until 1965, when it was transferred to the corporate archive of Štátna banka československá at 2 Šrobárova Street in Košice by order of the Slovak Archives Administration. In 1990 the fonds was relocated to the Archives of Národná banka Slovenska at 27 Krajná Street in Bratislava and it was moved to the building at 8 Cukrová Street in Bratislava in 2003. The inventory of the fonds was prepared in the archive of Štátna banka československá in 1967 and it was revised at the Archives of Národná banka Slovenska in 2016. The archival fonds includes only a fraction of the bank’s documentation, mainly from the years 1920 – 1925.
Last updated: Friday, December 29, 2023