The NBS Archives are open to the public at the following times:
Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday
9 a.m. to 12 noon /
12:45 p.m. to 3 p.m.
In July, August and September the Archives are closed to the public.
The Archives will be closed on 26 and 27 March 2025.
Národná banka Slovenska, Bratislava
Národná banka Slovenska (NBS) was established on 1 January 1993. This step was a logical consequence of the founding of the Slovak Republic after the division of the Czech and Slovak Federative Republic. The activities, organisation and relations with other public and private institutions are governed by Act of the National Council of the Slovak Republic No 566/1992 on Národná banka Slovenska, as amended.
Since its establishment in 1993, Národná banka Slovenska has undergone several substantial changes. A key milestone in the bank's history was Slovakia's accession to the European Union. Národná banka Slovenska became a member of the European System of Central Banks. On the same date that Slovakia adopted the euro, 1 January 2009, NBS simultaneously joined the Eurosystem, which determines the monetary policy in the euro area. Since 1 September 2014, NBS has been part of the European system of banking supervision, the Single Supervisory Mechanism (SSM).
Národná banka Slovenska is the central bank of the Slovak Republic. Its primary objective is to ensure price stability, which contributes to achieving a high level of employment as well as sustainable and non-inflationary economic growth.
NBS contributes to the stability of the financial system as well as to the security and smooth functioning of the financial market, with the aim of ensuring financial market credibility, customer protection, and compliance with competition rules. Národná banka Slovenska is the financial supervisory authority in Slovakia, meaning that it exercises supervision over banks, branches of foreign banks, investment firms, investment services intermediaries, stock exchanges, asset management companies, investment funds and collective investment undertakings, insurance companies, reinsurers, pension funds management companies, pension funds, supplementary pension management companies, and other financial market participants which are subject to regulatory supervision.
In the territory of the Slovak Republic, Národná banka Slovenska is the bank of banks. It issues euro banknotes and coins and provides for their circulation. Unlike commercial banks, it does not aim to generate a profit.
The supreme governing body of Národná banka Slovenska is the Bank Board. Pursuant to Section 7 of the Act on Národná banka Slovenska, it has six members. The Bank Board consists of the governor, two deputy governors and three other members. The term of office of Bank Board members is six years. Apart from the headquarters, Národná banka Slovenska has 5 branches in Slovakia.
Under Act No 395/2002 on Archives and Registries, the Archives of Národná banka Slovenska brings together the registry records of activities of Národná banka Slovenska with permanent documentary value once the period of their deposit in the registry centre expires. At present, archival documents of NBS's activities from the years 1993 to 2008 are stored in the archive and they mainly relate to the activities of the bank's branches and the Museum of Coins and Medals in Kremnica. They are registered in take-over lists and inventories and are not yet accessible to the public.