The NBS Archives are open to the public at the following times:
Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday
9 a.m. to 12 noon /
12:45 p.m. to 3 p.m.
In July, August and September the Archives are closed to the public.
The Archives will be closed on 26 and 27 March 2025.
Research Archive Portal
How to use the research portal of the NBS Archives
The research portal of the NBS Archives is available only in the Slovak language.
Registration is required to use the research portal of the NBS Archives. Clicking on the ’Registrácia’ (Registration) tab opens a registration form to be filled in by the applicant. After the applicant correctly completes the form and submits it, the system will send a confirmation link to the created research account to the applicant’s e-mail address. After clicking on the link, the client’s account is confirmed, and they become a registered researcher.
Registered researchers log in to the portal by entering their email address and password on the login screen.
After logging in to the research portal, researchers can view the list of accessible archival fonds as well as their available inventories. Researchers may enter these views through the ’Bádanie’ (Research) tab. When searching, they can scroll through the fonds or collections of interest, and if a finding aid is attached to the fond or collection, the researcher can view it by clicking on the ’Vyhľadávanie’ (Search) function. More detailed information about the fond/collection, finding aid or specific inventory unit can be obtained by clicking on the ’Detail’ function for each entity.
Registered researchers who are interested in studying archival records in the research room of the NBS Archives must click ’Vytvoriť bádateľský list’ (Create a research list). This link opens a form to be filled in with required information. If the researcher represents a legal entity, the name and the address of that entity must be provided. After clicking ’Vytvoriť’ (Create), a preview of the researcher’s research lists will be displayed. The ’Možnosti’ (Options) button at the line end in each research list allows the relevant research list to be edited, submitted for approval or viewed. Research lists are reviewed by the administrator of the NBS Archives research room. Researchers are then informed via email whether their research list has been approved or not or whether it has been returned for editing.
Before researchers are allowed access to archive record(s), their identity must be verified by presentation of an identity document to the administrator of the research room of the NBS Archives. Registration on the research portal of the NBS Archives does not entitle researchers to use the research room of the NBS Archives. Researchers are obliged to present their identification document (ID card, passport or residence permit document) on their first visit to the NBS Archives research room and until their identity has been verified, they can create just one research list on the research portal. Researchers with unverified identity are permitted to create only one request based on an approved research list.
A researcher can create a request to study documents in the NBS Archives research room directly from the ’Bádanie’ (Research) tab by clicking on the ’Vyžiadať’ (Request) button at the end of the line with the selected inventory unit of the relevant archival fond or collection and then selecting ’Nová žiadanka’ (New request)’. The new request form will be displayed, where the researcher fills in the required data and chooses an approved research list. Limits are set for the number of inventory units per request and the number of their storage units (a maximum of 25 inventory units from a maximum of 3 storage units are allowed for research per day). The researcher will send the request to the administrator of the NBS Archives research room for approval. The administrator may approve it or reject it (if it does not comply with relevant applicable regulations), or return it to the researcher for adjustment. The researcher will be notified of the administrator’s decision at his/her email address.
Once the application has been approved, on the requested day, the researcher may visit the NBS Archives research room, where the required archival documents will be made available. Researchers who are granted access to archival record(s) must abide by the applicable Rules for Research of the NBS Archives. The Archives Section makes copies and certified copies of archival record(s) upon request. These copies are made for payment according to the applicable price list. The Rules for Research of the NBS Archives and the price list can also be obtained from the research room of the NBS Archives.
Registered researchers can also use the to view their research lists and requests and to update their email address or change their password.
Archival documents stored in the NBS Archives are mostly in the Slovak language and partly in German and Hungarian.