
The NBS Archives are open to the public at the following times:


Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday

9 a.m. to 12 noon /

12:45 p.m. to 3 p.m.

In July, August and September the Archives are closed to the public.
The Archives will be closed on 26 and 27 March 2025. 

Košická úverná banka, Košice

Košická úverná banka, účastinná spoločnosť (Košice Credit Bank, joint-stock company), Košice, was established in 1867 under the Hungarian name Kassai hitelbank, r. t. Its main activities were taking deposits, the discounting and rediscounting of promissory notes, the provision of loans, the purchase and sale of real estate and all banking transactions. No information has survived about the bank’s activities from establishment until 1906. According to the Compass financial year books, it made a net profit of 17,000 Austro-Hungarian crowns (K) in 1907 with savings book deposits of K 1 million and loans amounting to K 1.5 million.
In the years 1913 to 1915, the bank had a net profit of around K 50,000 and deposits of around K 2 million. In 1922 it reported a net profit of 300,000 Czechoslovak crowns (Kč) with savings book deposits of over Kč 13 million and loans amounting to around Kč 15 million. The share capital was gradually increased to reach Kč 2 million in 1921. A total of 20,000 shares were issued with a nominal value of Kč 100. Members of board of directors and the supervisory board at this time included Antal Diossy, Edmund Grumstein and Artur Juhasz amongst others. The comptroller was Ludvig Kasza, the treasurer Dezider Potsatko and the accountant Mária Keczerová. Košická úverná banka was taken over by Dunajská banka, Bratislava in 1922.
The bank’s surviving archival material was kept in the archive of Štátna banka československá in Bratislava until 1965. It was then moved to the corporate archive of Štátna banka československá in Košice by order of the Slovak Archives Administration. The documents were relocated to the Národná banka Slovenska archives building at 27 Krajná Street in Bratislava in 1990. They were relocated again to the archive building at 8 Cukrová in Bratislava in 2003.
The fonds consists of a single box containing annual reports for 1909, 1911 – 1912, 1914 and 1916. An inventory was made in the archive of Štátna banka československá in 1967. This inventory was revised at the Archives of Národná banka Slovenska in 2016.

Last updated: Thursday, December 28, 2023