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Hospodárska úverná banka, Tornaľa (Rimavská Sobota and Rožňava branches)

Hospodárska úverná banka (Farm Credit Bank), Tornaľa, was created in 1929 by the renaming of Tornaľská banka (Tornaľa Bank) and its merger with Lučenecká úverná banka, Lučenec (Lučenec Credit Bank) in Lučenec and Gemerská ľudová banka (Gemer People´s Bank) in Rožňava. Tornaľská banka was founded in 1910. It had share capital of 200,000 Austro-Hungarian crowns (K) in the form of a thousand shares at K 200.
The bank was authorised to take deposits, provide loans and to buy and sell real estate as the law permitted. It achieved good business results. Between 1913 and 1915 it had deposits of around K 1 million, loans amounting to K 1.5 million and net profits of K 30,000. We have no records of its activities or performance between 1916 and 1922. In 1916, the bank had turnover of K 5 million, total deposits on savings books were K 3.7 million and the share capital was raised to K 300,000.
The members of the management and supervisory boards were Soma Koos, Bertalan Hevessy, Jozef Szent-Ivány, Gejza Vétsey amongst others, the chief accountant was Samuel Klein and the treasurer was Ján Jankovich.
In the economic crisis that began in 1929, the bank’s profits were cut almost in half. In 1929 it came under the influence of Banka československých légií (Bank of the Czechoslovak Legions, Legiobanka). After the merger mentioned at the start of the article, it operated branches in Lučenec, Rimavská Sobota and Rožňava. It remained in business until 1 January 1933, when it merged with Slovenská všeobecná úverná banka (Slovak General Credit Bank), another bank with close ties to Legiobanka.
The surviving records of the activity of Hospodárska úverná banka (Farm Credit Bank), Tornaľa, are a part of the archival documents of the branches in Rimavská Sobota and Rožňava. These documents were kept in desk reference material at the branches of Štátna banka československá (ŠBČS) (State Bank of Czechoslovakia) in Rimavská Sobota and Rožňava. The archival documents of the Rimavská Sobota branch of Hospodárska úverná banka, Tornaľa, were entered in the ŠBČS corporate archives in Marianka in 1962 and a register was made of them there. In 1976 the fonds was transferred to the ŠBČS archives at 27 Krajná Street in Bratislava and in 2003 it was relocated to the Národná banka Slovenska archives building at 8 Cukrová Street in Bratislava. The activities of the Rimavská Sobota branch are documented only by two account ledgers for the period 1930 to 1940.
The archival documents from the Rožňava branch of Hospodárska úverná banka, Tornaľa, were transferred to the ŠBČS corporate archives in Košice in 1962. After 1995 the fonds was transferred to the Národná banka Slovenska archives at 27 Krajná Street in Bratislava and in 2003 it was relocated to the Národná banka Slovenska archives building at 8 Cukrová Street in Bratislava. An inventory of this part of the fonds made in 1963 was revised in 2016. The documents from the Rožňava branch consist of committee minutes from the years 1932 and 1933 and balance sheets for the years 1930 to 1932.
In 2019 the archives of Národná banka Slovenska created a joint inventory for the Rimavská Sobota and Rožňava branches of Hospodárska úverná banka, Tornaľa.

Last updated: Monday, November 11, 2024