
The NBS Archives are open to the public at the following times:


Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday

9 a.m. to 12 noon /

12:45 p.m. to 3 p.m.

In July, August and September the Archives are closed to the public.
The Archives will be closed on 26 and 27 March 2025. 

Hornouhorská úverná banka, Košice

Hornouhorská úverná banka, účastinná spoločnosť (Upper Hungarian Credit Bank), Košice, was established on 1 April 1940.
The same year, it established branches in Beregovo, Mukachevo, Lučenec, Nové Zámky, Komárno, Dunajská Streda, Uzhhorod, Rožňava and Tornaľa. The bank was the largest rural financial institution in the then borders of Hungary. It issued 25,000 shares for a total share capital of 2.5 million Hungarian pengő. Most of the shares were owned by the 
Hungarian General Credit Bank in Budapest.
The directors were Gejza Reiter and Ernest Weisz, authorised signatories were Pavel Kostka and Lipót Schalkház, later Henrik Stejskal and Márton Umstädter. The members of the administrative board were Count Kazimír Eszterházy, Budapest, Vladimír Holub, Prague, Jozef Király, Číčov, Gejza Kuthy, Galanta, František Öry, Košice, Michal Papp, Veľké Kapušany, Antal Ragályi, Rimavská Sobota, Karol Rázgha, Budapest, Count István Révay, Budapest, Jozef Szent-Iványi, Bellyc, Vojtech Silassy, Lučenec, Otokar Vitovszky, Prague, Rudolf Utesil, Prague and Samuel Wohl, Moldava.
The average number of bank officers and clerks at the headquarters was 52. In the first year of the bank’s existence, its profit was only 23,000 pengő but in the second year, it grew to 104,000 pengő. The value of the bank’s real estate was over 1 million pengő.
At the beginning of 1942, the economic situation began to deteriorate because of the war and the bank was forced to merge with an institution with a stronger capital position, Košická sporiteľňa (Savings Bank of Košice), on 1 July 1942. The merger created Spojená hornouhorská úverná banka a Košická sporiteľňa (Combined Upper Hungarian Credit Bank and Savings Bank of Košice),
joint-stock company, Košice.
Only a small part of the written material of the headquarters and branches is kept in the Archives of Národná banka Slovenska. There is documentation from the branches in Dunajská Streda, Mukachevo, Tornaľa, Uzhhorod and Rožňava.
The preserved archive material is mainly accounting documents. Until 1960, the fonds was kept in building on what was then Stalingrad Street in Košice. In 1961, it was transferred to the corporate archives of Štátna banka československá at 4 Vrátna Street in Košice, where an internal sorting and disposal process was carried out.  After 1990, the fonds became part of the Archives of Národná banka Slovenska kept at 27 Krajná Street in Bratislava. It was transferred to the building at 8 Cukrová Street in Bratislava in 2003. The first inventory of the fonds was made in 1962. Information for its introduction was taken from audit reports and balance sheets, and the personal recollections of older staff. The inventory was revised in the Archives of Národná banka Slovenska in 2016.
Last updated: Thursday, January 26, 2023