
The NBS Archives are open to the public at the following times:


Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday

9 a.m. to 12 noon /

12:45 p.m. to 3 p.m.

In July, August and September the Archives are closed to the public.
The Archives will be closed on 26 and 27 March 2025. 

Bardejovská úverná banka, Bardejov

Bardejovská úverná banka (Bardejov Credit Bank), joint stock company in Bardejov (Bartfelder Creditbank), was founded in 1894. The basic capital of the company amounted to 120,000 Austro-Hungarian crowns (K). The nominal value of 600 shares was K 200 per share.

The company was authorised to carry out any banking transactions permitted by law, such as taking deposits, providing loans, selling and buying real estate, recovering various claims and receiving deposits.

Bardejovská úverná banka was one of the smaller financial institutions in the territory of Slovakia. In 1907, it reported a net profit in the amount of K 20,000, deposits in savings books worth K 850,000 and loans in the amount of almost K 1 million.

The members of the administrative and supervisory board at that time included Alajos Rhody, Štefan Tischer, Jozef Biloveczky, Jozef Korn, Jozef Dvortsák and others, the director was Vojtech Mosánszky, the accountant Jakub Szobel and the treasurer Jozef Holenia.

In 1914, Bardejovská úverná banka was taken over by Bardejovská sporiteľňa. The name of the financial institution established by this merger was Bardejovská I. úverná banka. It existed until 1924, when it was taken over by Tatra banka and it became part of its branch in Bardejov.

Only a small part of the bank’s written material was preserved and this was stored in the corporate archives of Štátna banka československá in Humenné. By order of the regional branch of Štátna banka československá, the documents were transferred to the regional archives located in Košice in 1962. In 1995 they were moved to the Archives of Národná banka Slovenska in Bratislava, being stored at first in the premises at 27 Krajná Street and later, in 2003, in the Archives building at 8 Cukrová Street.

Altogether 7 books were preserved, mostly accounts. The first temporary inventory of the fonds was compiled in 1967 and revised in 2015.

Last updated: Monday, September 16, 2019