
The NBS Archives are open to the public at the following times:


Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday

9 a.m. to 12 noon /

12:45 p.m. to 3 p.m.

In July, August and September the Archives are closed to the public.
The Archives will be closed on 26 and 27 March 2025. 

Banka pre priemysel pivovarský, Prague (Trnava branch)

Banka pre priemysel pivovarský (Bank for the Brewing Industry) was founded in Prague on 17 September 1910. It established a branch in Trnava in 1919. The main activities of this financial institution included not just the full range of bank and exchange transactions but also trade in goods needed in the brewing industry. The bank provided loans for real estate used by brewing companies and sole traders. Alongside traditional departments such as loans and foreign exchange there were specialist units like a department for goods used in beer production, a department for the sale of bottles, a sugar department (which supplied tax-free sugar to breweries) and a coal department.
The Trnava branch continued until 1926, when it went into liquidation managed by Tatra banka, Martin, which opened its own branch in Trnava. The liquidation of the Trnava branch of Banka pre priemysel pivovarský was completed in 1928.
The Archives of Národná banka Slovenska hold just a tiny fraction of the documents relating to the branch’s liquidation – an audit report from Tatra banka in Martin, correspondence between the liquidation committee of Banka pre priemysel pivovarský and various financial institutions, mainly with Tatra banka in Martin and Agrárna banka československá (Czechoslovak Agrarian Bank) in Prague. 

Last updated: Wednesday, December 27, 2023