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Agrárna banka československá, Prague (Bratislava branch)
This financial institution was established as Agrárna banka (Agrarian Bank) in Prague in 1911 to serve the needs of agriculture. Agrárna banka was incorporated on 16 July 1911 and commenced activities on 14 August 1911. On 6 April 1919, its general meeting voted to rename it Agrárna banka československá (Czechoslovak Agrarian Bank). At the same time, the general meeting approved the establishment of branches and representation offices outside the Czech lands. It had 14 in total.
In Slovakia, a branch was established in Bratislava on 1 May 1919. The members of its board of directors included Pavol Blaho, Jozef Maderič, Ľudovít Medvecký and Ľudovít Okánik. According to its articles of association, it was authorised to trade on its own account in crops, agricultural supplies and industrial goods and to buy and sell foreign securities, currency, metals, coins and the like for its own account.
The branch in Slovakia specialised in financing sugar refineries and distilleries such as the distillery of the firm Slovenský liehový priemysel in Malacky and a sugar refinery in Trebišov. It also provided loans to local landowners and medium-sized farmers. It continued in operation until 1940, when the Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic ordered its liquidation and its business was taken over by Tatra banka in Martin.
Only a few documents have survived from the branch of Agrárna banka československá in Bratislava, but researchers may find them useful in reconstructing the history of finance in Slovakia between the wars, especially as regards the expansion of Czech capital in Slovakia. The original inventory of the fonds was revised in 2015.
Last updated: Friday, January 20, 2023