The NBS Archives are open to the public at the following times:
Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday
9 a.m. to 12 noon /
12:45 p.m. to 3 p.m.
In July, August and September the Archives are closed to the public.
The Archives will be closed on 26 and 27 March 2025.
Pezinsko-Modransko-Svätojurská banka, Pezinok
In 1871, Gejza Szülö, a member of parliament, won support among the townspeople of Pezinok, Modra and Svätý Jur for the establishment of a savings bank as a joint-stock company. They organised the founding general meeting of what would become the Pezinsko-Modransko-Svätojurská sporiteľňa (Pezinok-Modra-Svätý Jur Savings Bank), Pezinok, which was initially registered under the Hungarian name Bazin-Modor-Szentgyörgyi takarékpénztár, Bazin, and the German name Bösing-Modern-St. Georgener Sparkassa, Bösing. The founders issued a thousand shares with a nominal value of 50 guldens, thus raising 50,000 guldens. The shares were registered and were transferable only through the savings bank.
There were 126 shareholders, with 795 shares owned by residents of Pezinok, 39 by residents of Svätý Jur and 166 by residents of Modra. A meeting on 12 October 1871 elected the board of directors of the savings bank and allocated seats to the towns in proportion to their shareholdings. Pezinok was represented by 14 regular members and 8 deputies, Svätý Jur by 4 regular members and 3 deputies and Modra by 6 regular members and 3 deputies. The shareholders were local merchants, winegrowers, entrepreneurs, landowners, lawyers and other property owners.
The savings bank was a local credit institution that took deposits, provided loans against good security, deposited its surpluses with other credit institutions for interest, or purchased Austro-Hungarian government bonds. Despite making only small profits, it managed to cover its administrative expenses and pay a dividend while also building up a modest reserve fund.
After the establishment of the first Czechoslovak Republic, it changed its name to Pezinsko-Modransko-Svätojurská sporobanka in 1922 and Pezinsko-Modransko-Svätojurská banka in 1923. In 1924 the regular general meeting approved a merger with Slovenská ľudová banka (Slovak People´s Bank), Bratislava, because its local operations were insufficient to cover its post-war losses on Austro-Hungarian securities and it was now in crisis. Slovenská ľudová banka, Bratislava took over all the assets and liabilities and made the bank its branch.
The bank’s files were entered in the corporate archives of Štátna banka československá (State Bank of Czechoslovakia) at Marianka in a disorganised condition in 1956. An inventory of the fonds was made in 1964 and modified and corrected in 2015 in the archive of Národná banka Slovenska at 8 Cukrová Street in Bratislava, to which the fonds was relocated in 2003. The fonds consists mainly of minutes of the board of directors and annual reports.
Last updated: Monday, November 18, 2024