
The NBS Archives are open to the public at the following times:


Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday

9 a.m. to 12 noon /

12:45 p.m. to 3 p.m.

In July, August and September the Archives are closed to the public.
The Archives will be closed on 26 and 27 March 2025. 

Novozámocká ľudová banka, Nové Zámky

This institution was established in 1872 under the name Érsekújvári népbank (Nové Zámky People’s Bank) with share capital of 50,000 Austro-Hungarian guldens. After changing over to the Austro-Hungarian crown (K) based on the gold standard in 1900, the value of the share capital was K 100,000. It was raised to K 360,000 in 1910 and K 1.8 million in 1918. The chairman of the board was Karol Galba, the president Imrich Kukan and the director Karol Conleger. Between 1883 and 1909, the bank paid out relatively high dividends, ranging from 15% to 20%. Between 1910 and 1916, dividends fell to 5 – 8% and later to 3 – 4%.
The break-up of Austria-Hungary and the establishment of the first Czechoslovak Republic created problems for the Nové Zámky People’s Bank because its funds were tied up in Budapest. It had invested a significant amount in war loans, which it managed to have recognised as claims against the Czechoslovak Republic with help from the banking industry organisation Jednota peňažných ústavov na Slovensku a Podkarpatskej Rusi (Association of Financial Institutions in Slovakia and Sub-Carpathian Ruthenia) in Bratislava. After 1922, the bank came under the influence of Slovenská všeobecná úverná banka, Bratislava, with which it concluded an affiliation agreement. The bank got into severe difficulties in 1931 due to the effects of the Great Depression
and in the end, it merged with Slovenská všeobecná úverná banka in 1934.
A very small number of documents relating to the bank’s activities, written in both Hungarian and Slovak, have been preserved. The most important are the minutes of the management and the general meeting from 1913 to 1934. The fonds contributes
to the study of the history of banking in Slovakia focussing on the activity of a smaller Hungarian financial institution in the first half
of the 20th century. The archival fonds was processed in the Archives of Národná banka Slovenska in 2016.

Last updated: Tuesday, January 31, 2023